How To Get More 5-Star Reviews For Your Pest Control Business

by Jan 18, 2023News

When you need a service, what’s the first thing you do? If you’re like most Australian’s you probably check Google first and make a quick decision based on what’s offered at the top of the page. But before you even click on a website, you’d check the reviews, right?
63.6% of Google users say they’re likely to compare the reviews before deciding on who to go with. Online reviews have become a key tool when it comes to making your business stand out from competitors. Quality reviews reassure homeowners and other companies that your service is reliable and backed by experience.

It’s clear that most customers will check your reviews before choosing your services, but how do you get more 5-star reviews for your pest control businesses? Read on and find out.

Get More five star pest control reviews graphic

Provide An Exceptional Service

Let’s start with the obvious. Exceptional services are rewarded with good reviews—the good news is it’s easier to get reviews after a positive experience than it is after a negative experience. 67% of customers will consider leaving a review if they’re satisfied with the service, compared to the 40% that will consider leaving a review for a negative experience.

Maintaining a high standard for your work is extremely important because all it takes is a few bad reviews to tarnish your reputation. Sure, bad reviews happen. Keeping everyone happy is nearly impossible, but a commitment to good service will limit how many negative reviews come in. Research has shown that it takes roughly 40 positive reviews to undo the damage of one negative review. With that in mind, now you know why being consistently good is so important.

Customer leaving a five-star review

Have Pest Control Technicians Ask Consistently

The best way to increase your reviews is to just ask. A lot of people won’t even think of leaving a review, even if they’re happy with your service. A simple reminder after a job well done is a great habit to get into if you want to bolster your online 5-star review numbers.

At first, your Pest Control Technicians may be reluctant to comply, thinking this feels ‘salesy’. Reassure them that all this only has to be is a casual mention at the end of a job. If the customer seems happy or grateful, it’s as simple as saying, “If you wouldn’t mind, could you give us a review on Google. It helps a lot.” Make sure your technician mentions your prefered method of review (Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.).

If the property owner seems dissatisfied with the service, ensure your technicians know to avoid a review conversation. Also, don’t make the assumption that returning customers have left a review, because that’s not the case most times. Since they’ve chosen your business again, that means they’re more reliant on your services and, therefore, more likely to give a review. We’ve found the best way to go about it is by keeping things casual, e.g. “Hey, I’m not sure if you’ve left us a review already, but if you haven’t, would you mind doing one today?”

Include A QR Code To Your Collateral

If you hand out brochures or cards after completing a pest control job, adding a QR code makes it simple for customers to find you online. While this method makes it easier for customers to leave a review, many may ignore it if not prompted. Because of that, we advise combining this method with the above advice. Handing over a card with a QR code after asking for a review gives that little bit more incentive to make it actually happen.

Automate Review Requests

This last option may take a bit to set up, but it’s the most hands-off method to generate reviews. Several CRM platforms offer an automated messaging service, so have a look at your existing program and see how it can help. By taking advantage of this service, you can send a follow-up text to customers thanking them for their service and asking for a review with a link to the desired review page. You can also use these processes to remind customers of yearly inspections, plus any other relevant news they should know about.

The downside is that if it’s set up to go to every customer after a completed job, you may send them to people who you don’t want to contact. If you’re worried about a customer leaving a negative review, make sure to remove their details from your contact list, so they don’t receive any subsequent messages.

Where Are The Most Important Places To Have Reviews?

Google Reviews: This is your most popular review platform. When people check business reviews, this tends to be their first stop.

Facebook Reviews: Less popular than Google, but still useful. Facebook reviews probably shouldn’t be your priority, but it’s still a good idea to populate a few.

Yelp: This is often an overlooked platform. While not as popular as Google or Facebook, it may be a good way to get an edge over some competitors who aren’t active on the platform.

While most people will check your Google reviews first, it’s important not to disregard the other two options. Customers will expect consistency across all accounts, so you may boat a 5-star rating on Google, but if your Yelp and Facebook rank is lower, it may scare off prospects.

Keep Your Services Realistic

A big reason customers leave negative reviews is that the service didn’t live up to expectations. It’s common for Pest Control Businesses to up-sell their offerings, but if that starts to border onto “false advertising”, more and more customers may feel like your promises weren’t delivered.

Managing expectations is just as important as offering a good service. If you can’t say with confidence that your service will do something, don’t say it to start with. It’s also vital to discuss job constraints with customers. They may have a grand idea of how you can help, but it’s important to set things straight right away and educate them on a realistic outcome. That way, no one ends up disappointed.

Pest control tech spraying outdoors

Let Your Technicians Set Things Right

Accidents happen in the field, no matter how many steps you take to ensure a high-quality service. Naturally, some customers down the line won’t be happy with their pest control. When that happens, give your techs the power to solve the issue on the spot. This can suppress negative experiences by showing the customer that their gripe was solved on the spot instead of being forwarded to upper management (which may frustrate them further). You need to trust your technicians to solve problems and maybe even cut a loss when needed. Like we said earlier, one bad review sticks like mud, so if your workers can resolve issues early by offering discounts or deals, it will be worth it in the long run.


With years of experience, the Austates team understands that every fleet has special requirements. We work with a range of vehicles and equipment, all with top-notch Pest Management systems. If you want to level up your pest control fleet, call us today for a fast quote.