How To Remove Ants as a Professional

by Jun 30, 2023News

You’ve been called in to deal with an ant infestation. Again. No matter how many times you’ve done this, ants always find a way to invade homes and turn up where they’re not wanted. The homeowners are frustrated, the ants are on a mission, and you’re stuck in the middle trying to broker peace between the species.

But you’re a pro, and you know the drill. Identify the ants, find the entry point, eliminate access, apply pesticides, set bait, and keep coming back until every last ant has vacated the premises. Easier said than done, sure, but you’ve got the skills, tools and patience to win this battle of wills.
Before you head into the fray, take a few minutes to review some tips and tricks of the trade to make sure you’re at the top of your game. Knowledge is power in the war against ants, so empower yourself with the latest strategies and techniques to send these invaders packing once and for all. The ants won’t give up easily, but neither will you. Now suit up, grab your gear and go show those ants who’s boss!

Ants crawling on an Arnotts biscuit

Inspection and Identification: Know Your Ant Adversary

When tackling an ant infestation, the first step is to identify the species you’re up against. Some ants like carpenter ants can do serious damage, while others like odorous house ants are more of a nuisance.
Do a thorough inspection of the area to locate entry points and trails. Look for ants entering through cracks, crevices or holes in foundations, patios and driveways. Watch where they’re travelling to determine the location of the colony.
See if you can get a close-up view of a few ants to determine distinguishing features like size, colour and the number of nodes in the ‘waist’ region. This can help identify the species.
The more you know about your ant adversary – their habits, preferences and weaknesses – the better equipped you’ll be to eliminate the infestation. An accurate ID will help determine the best bait or treatment method to destroy the colony. With the right product and technique, you’ll be well on your way to evicting your uninvited guests and protecting your property.

Stop fire ants graphic Austates

What types of Ants Can Be Found In Queensland Australia?

As a pest tech working in Queensland, you’re going to encounter many types of ants. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Sugar ants: These little black ants love sweet stuff and are attracted to food crumbs and spills. They usually nest outside but forage indoors. To get rid of them, you’ll need to eliminate access to food sources and use ant baits or boric acid powder.
  • Coastal brown ants: One of the most common ants in coastal areas of Queensland. They build their nests in soil, logs or under rocks outside but will invade homes in search of food. Use residual insecticide sprays around baseboards and entry points to kill them off.
  • Green ants: Don’t let the name fool you, these ants are black. They build balloon-like nests up in trees and shrubs. Although they rarely infest homes, their painful sting means you’ll want to eliminate any nests near properties. Inject insecticide directly into the nest or use foliage sprays.
  • Meat ants: As the name suggests, these ants love protein sources like pet food, scraps or dead insects. They build large nest mounds in lawns and gardens. Use granular bait or dusts placed around nest entrances or foraging trails to eliminate the colony.
  • Carpenter ants: These medium-sized, dark brown ants love to chew through wooden features to establish their homes. They create little tunnels in wood and if not treated can cause a lot of trouble.

Graphic stop yellow crazy ants

Brisbane City Council identify the most dangerous ants as the fire ant and the yellow crazy ant.

  • The Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA), also known as Solenopsis invicta, is a problematic pest that has been found in Queensland. These ants are copper brown in colour, with a darker abdomen, and they resemble regular house or garden ants. They come in different sizes, ranging from two to six millimetres in length. Their nests can be identified as loose soil or mounds of various sizes, and there are no noticeable entry or exit holes. One way to recognise these ants is by their aggressive behaviour when their nest is disturbed. Their bites can cause significant harm.
  • Yellow crazy ants are a type of ant that can form ‘super-colonies’ with multiple queens and a high density of aggressive ants. These ants are considered environmental pests and are listed as one of the top 100 worst invasive species in the world by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). They are also classified as an Invasive Biosecurity Matter under the Biosecurity Act 2014. While yellow crazy ants do not sting, they have the ability to spray formic acid, especially when disturbed. This acid can cause burns or irritation to the skin and eyes of animals and humans in large amounts. If you are sprayed with formic acid, wash the affected area with water. If the acid comes into contact with your eyes, rinse them with cool, clean water. If symptoms persist or problems arise, seek immediate medical advice.

With dozens of ant species in Australia, the key for any professional pest controller is properly identifying the ant and its nesting habits in order to implement an effective control programme. Getting rid of the food source is critical, then you can choose a treatment based on where and how that particular ant nests. Staying up to date with the latest pest control methods and products will help ensure you get rid of any ant problems for good.

Remove Access Points: Seal Up Any Entryways

Seal Up Any Entryways

To eliminate an ant infestation, you need to remove their access points into the building. Inspect the exterior foundation and seal up any cracks or crevices leading inside, especially around utility pipes, wiring, windows, doors, siding, and the roof.

  • Caulk, weatherstrip, or repair areas where you see ants entering. Look for gaps of 1/8 inch or less.
  • Eliminate standing water around the building’s exterior. Ants are attracted to moisture, so fixing any leaks and improving drainage can help make the area less habitable for ants.

Repairing damage and sealing potential entryways is one of the most effective ways to get rid of an ant infestation for good. If you cut off their access, the ants currently inside will not be able to get back in once eliminated, and new colonies will not be able to invade the building. Still, ants are small pests and sealing entryways is not as simple as it is for rodents or larger pests. They can make their way through pretty much any crack, but patching up hidden entries (holes in walls, damages) means you reduce their chance to secretly enter the house.

Use Bait Stations: Target Ant Colonies at the Source

To eliminate an ant infestation, you need to target the colony. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using bait stations. These stations contain poison that worker ants take back to the colony to share with the rest of the nest.
Place bait stations along trails you see the ants using, near entry points to the building, and in areas where you see a high concentration of ants. Put the stations near walls, in corners, and in cracks or crevices where ants may enter.

  • Use several small bait stations rather than a few large ones. This makes it more likely the ants will find the bait and carry it back to the colony.
  • Look for stations that contain boric acid, fipronil, or hydramethylnon as the active ingredient. These poisons are designed to be slow-acting so the ants have time to share the bait before dying.
  • Refresh the bait stations every few days until you see ant activity decrease. It can take ants up to 2 weeks to die off after consuming the bait, so be patient.
  • Combine baiting with other control methods like residual sprays, diatomaceous earth, or ant traps for the most effective elimination.
  • Do regular inspections to make sure bait stations are working and replace as needed.
  • Educate the customer on ways they can help prevent future ant infestations through improved sanitation and sealing up entry points.

Following these tips will allow you to mount an assault on the colony and gain the upper hand against your ant adversaries. With vigilance and the right combination of weapons in your arsenal, you’ll be sending those ants packing in no time.

Austates custom dual cab spray unit

Apply Residual Insecticides: Create a Barrier Around the Building

To create an effective barrier around the building and eliminate the ant infestation, you’ll want to apply residual insecticides. These long-lasting chemicals will kill ants on contact and continue working for weeks or months after application.

Spray a barrier around the foundation

Walk around the entire building foundation and spray a 6- to 12-inch wide band of residual insecticide. Focus on areas where you see ants entering like cracks and crevices. This barrier will kill ants as they try to enter the structure.

Treat the soil around the building

Apply granule or liquid insecticides with residual control to a 1 to 2 metre wide band of soil around the foundation. Products containing bifenthrin, permethrin or fipronil will provide residual control for up to 3 months. This treatment will kill ants in the soil to prevent them from entering the building.

Spray entry points

Inspect the building exterior and spray any entry points like cracks or holes in foundations, around doors and windows, utility penetrations, attic vents or the space between the foundation and siding. Residual sprays, dusts or barium can be applied in these areas.

Re-treat as needed

Check the barrier and entry points in 3 to 4 weeks to determine if re-treatment is needed based on ant activity levels. It may take several treatments to achieve full control due to egg hatch and larval development. Re-apply residual chemicals according to the product label to maintain protection.
With the proper application of residual insecticides around the building exterior, you can eliminate an ant infestation and prevent the pests from coming back. Be thorough in your inspection and treatments, and re-treat as directed to keep the barrier intact. Over time, this integrated pest management approach will eliminate the infestation.

Using The Right Pest Application Equipment

Spray Equipment

When treating for ants, using the proper spray equipment is key. For residential treatments, a backpack sprayer or hand sprayer will work well and allow you to treat efficiently. For commercial buildings or heavy infestations, consider using power sprayers which can cover a larger area in less time.

Choose the Right Nozzle

Select a nozzle that will provide good coverage for the area you need to treat. For spot treatments or cracks and crevices, a pin stream nozzle works well. For open areas, a cone nozzle will provide a wider spray pattern to cover more ground. Adjustable nozzles allow you to control the spray from a fine mist to a solid stream.

Proper Pressure

Make sure any sprayers are calibrated to the correct PSI for the chemical you’re applying. Too much pressure can cause the spray to drift or splash onto non-target areas. Not enough pressure won’t provide adequate coverage. Follow the product label for recommended spray pressures.

Extension Wands

Carry various extension wands, especially when treating commercial buildings. Longer wands allow you to reach higher areas like eaves, gutters and upper stories without needing a ladder. Extension wands also help when you need to bend or contort to reach difficult areas. Have wands in multiple lengths for the most versatility.

Other Useful Equipment

Other useful tools to have on hand for ant control include:

  • Flashlight or headlamp to thoroughly inspect treatment areas
  • Bait guns for precision placement of ant baits
  • Dusters for applying insecticide dusts to wall voids and roof cavities
  • Foamers or aerosol cans for crack and crevice treatments
  • Bait stations for exterior perimeter treatments around structures

Using specialised pest control equipment designed for the challenges of ant removal will make you a more effective pest management professional. Applying the proper chemicals with the right tools is the key to gaining control of any ant infestation.

Get the right gear with Austates

So there you have it, a few tips and tricks to help you tackle those pesky ant infestations and keep your customers happy. Remember, preparation is key. Do your research, bring the right tools and bait, and take your time to find the source. Be thorough in your inspection and treatment, look for any access points to seal, and educate your customers on prevention. With the right know-how and patience, you’ll be swatting away ants in no time and building your reputation as the best in the business. Now get out there and give those ants the boot! Your customers and your bank balance will thank you for it.
Austates Pest Equipment offers high-quality pest control supplies & gear to ensure your business succeeds. We’re a one-stop shop for technicians looking for pest control equipment. We can fully equip technicians or businesses.
We have decades of experience in pest control supplies, meaning products will perform. When other equipment fails, ours continues to work