
by Sep 16, 2014Lifestyle, News

Cockroaches are resilient and relentless. They breed rapidly and have been linked to the increased risk of contracting Salmonella, Dysentery & Gastro-enteritis. Furthermore, research has also proven that children are more likely to have eczema and asthma when being exposed to cockroach droppings.

Detecting a cockroach infestation in your home requires immediate professional extermination to eradicate all stages of their lifecycle and prevent any additional breeding from occurring.

Cockroaches are nocturnal and flourish best is warm, moist, dark conditions with a good source of food. They are therefore likely to build their main nest underneath the kitchen drain, in the laundry room or in the pantry. They will venture out at night to locate food sources, and then return to their nest during the day.

Although, this might make them difficult to spot, identifying an infestation is easy. Cockroaches display several indicators that notify you of their location:

Scent Marks

Cockroaches communicate via scent. They will excrete a brownish liquid along walls and floors to notify their friends to move in as a food source has been located. This scent trail will also leave a musty smell strong enough for humans to smell.


There will be a regular trail of small black droppings. These are only 1mm in diameter, but there will be enough for it to become noticeable.  

Shed Skin

Cockroaches regularly shed their outer skin throughout their lifecycle. 

It is important to eliminate any attractions to reduce the likelihood of a cockroach infestation. Cockroaches are omnivorous, meaning they will eat anything from vegetable scraps and bread crumbs, to proteins and decaying garbage. Store all food items in sealed containers and ensure that food and liquid spillages are always cleaned. Also ensure that interior garbage bins are emptied daily and that external bins are correctly sealed and emptied weekly. 

Prevent warm, moist areas from being cluttered with any nesting items such as cardboard or newspaper. Always wipe down surfaces as well as the inside of cupboards to eliminate any scent trails. Clean along skirtings and inside any crevices as these are the tiny spaces where food scraps are likely to get trapped. 

However, even with the very best cleaning intentions, cockroaches are inevitable.  Talk to us today for expert advice on our range of products and recommended pest control companies that can assist with fumigating your home.